Healthy Applesauce Granola

Healthy Applesauce Granola

Hello friends, It’s been awhile since I’ve posted…you know how that life and work thing gets in the way! Hopefully some of you have found me on Instagram. I’m just getting back into cooking after a somewhat lazy few months. As we get into these 

Low Carb Savory Crepes

Low Carb Savory Crepes

Happy New Year to all of you foodies out there! Now, this girl loves a good holiday, especially when it involves family, food and good friends. But I must admit, after a long period of indulging I’m ready to start a new year of healthier 

“Get Your Greens In” Breakfast Strata

“Get Your Greens In” Breakfast Strata

It’s a good day to wake up to a strata!  With snow in the forecast today and Thanksgiving next week (wait…isn’t that a bit backwards?) it’s a perfect time to dig into something warm, yummy and….green! Actually I’ve made stratas for my family to enjoy 

Cauliflower Tart with Roasted Brussels and Gouda

Cauliflower Tart with Roasted Brussels and Gouda

Versatile cauliflower. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten as much as I have in the last several months writing this blog! I’ve found it to be a yummy meat substitution in my Sticky Sesame Cauliflower Bites recipe and a low carb and filling crust for 

Banana Oat Pancakes

Banana Oat Pancakes

Full disclosure: I’ve been reworking my diet to include more protein.  Getting older I noticed that I need to find that healthy balance of protein, fat and carbs to get to a healthier weight. As part of that mission I’ve been introduced to protein pancakes. 

PB and Banana Overnight Oats

PB and Banana Overnight Oats

My husband likes to say “Where did quinoa come from all of a sudden?” That’s kind of how I feel about overnight oats.  All of a sudden I’m seeing overnight oats – everywhere. My exposure until now has been the really thick, goopy oatmeal I 

Easy Oil-Free Granola

Easy Oil-Free Granola

It’s amazing how many granolas there are on the shelves of your favorite grocery store.  If you are like me, you pick them up, look at the fat and calories and immediately put them down….how sad, right?  I’ve always loved granola but never buy it