

I guess you could say I’ve been a foodie my entire life, but not always in a good way.  I was an overweight child who didn’t always make the best food choices.  As I got older I was on every diet there was, rarely losing much weight and always regaining it.  I think I have a library of diet books that I would buy every year as motivation! However because of those diets I learned a lot and developed healthy eating habits.

I’ve always liked to cook and over the years have incorporated more vegetables into my life.  In the last several months I’ve been intrigued with plant based cooking and enrolled in the Forks Over Knives (FOK) Rouxbe cooking school after watching the FOK documentary. It was an eye-opening experience for me and has reignited my passion for cooking. It has given me the inspiration I’ve needed to create the type of blog I can get excited about.

I’m not vegan or vegetarian at this writing but this site will not feature any meat dishes and will always include vegetables and grains as stars of the show.  You may find  cheese in some recipes used as a topping or condiment that can be easily removed or changed to fit vegetarian or vegan lifestyles.  You’ll also be given the option to use vegetable broth in place of oil.

My goal is to continue to learn and share new ways to incorporate plants into each meal. Nature provides us with so many different flavors. We just need to seek them out! Thanks for reading.  Tanya