Charred Stuffed Peppers with Orzo and Pistachios

Charred Stuffed Peppers with Orzo and Pistachios

Don’t you just love when you can eat the “bowl?” You know those recipes…like a bowl of hearty soup served in a bread bowl.  There’s something about tearing off the pieces and dipping it in the soup, right?  Or how about a perfect stuffed summer tomato? And then there’s the taco salad. I know I could never finish one without at least a few nibbles of the shell!

No fried, calorie-laden shell here.  A low cal and low carb vessel for a light dinner,  roasted peppers are even more satisfying. Rather than filling it with your typical southwestern filling or heavy sausage, we look to spring for inspiration.  The orzo, feta and spinach trifecta along with some pistachios and a hint of lemon make this the perfect combination with a roasted, sweet pepper.

Perfect as a main dish or a side, this comes together quickly. A great dish to take to a party – good warm or at room temperature.

Can’t you see those mini peppers from the grocery store roasted and stuffed as a colorful appetizer? That may be next on the list!

Recipe – Serves 1 or 2

One pepper sliced lengthwise and seeded

3 oz of orzo

2 cups of chopped spinach

2 tablespoons of shelled pistachios

1/4 cup of feta cheese

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Squeeze of lemon

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place pepper halves on nonstick sheet pan and bake for 10-15 minutes until softened and starting to brown.  You can also broil the peppers for a few minutes first to blister quickly.

Meanwhile cook orzo per package directions.  In the last 30 seconds of cooking, add the chopped spinach.  Drain. Add spinach and orzo to bowl and stir in feta, oil and lemon and mix well. Add in pistachios and stir to combine.  Fill each pepper half with half of the mixture and serve.