Bruschetta Zoodles with Chick Peas and Basil

Bruschetta Zoodles with Chick Peas and Basil

When I think of bruschetta I think of warm summer days…dining outdoors…with a glass of wine…and this yummy appetizer. Traditional Italian bruschetta is garlic that’s rubbed on bread with some variation in toppings. Usually it consists of tomatoes, basil and balsamic glaze.  I wanted to replicate those flavors without the bread but with spiralized noodles or Zoodles.

I had purchased a small spiralizer a couple of years ago but decided to invest in an upgrade that mounted to my kitchen counter top.  It makes making the noodles (or Zoodles) a breeze.

You may think you have a ton of Zoodles from even one squash, but they will shrink when they cook so the more, the better…it’s not pasta so you don’t have to worry about eating too much!

A few tips:

I like to dry cook the noodles to keep them from getting soggy. If they do get a little “wet” for your liking and you are adding sauces, you may want to press them with a paper towel to get out the excess water.

Strangely enough as I was creating this recipe I noticed a bruschetta topping from Trader Joe’s in my pantry.  This gives the dish nice additional flavor with added basil, garlic and a small amount of oil.  It’s not necessary but gives it a more traditional bruschetta flavor.

Roasted tomatoes are a flavorful twist, especially this time of year.  In a few months it will be fresh diced tomatoes straight from the vine!

Recipe: Serves 2

2-3 medium squash or zucchini (peeled and spiralized)

1 teaspoon of minced garlic

2 teaspoons of oil or broth

1 cup of grape tomatoes

1 cup of chick peas

2 tablespoons of Trader Joe’s Bruschetta topping (optional)

1/4 cup of chopped basil

Balsamic vinegar for finishing

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Add tomatoes to a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Roast for 30 minutes or until browned and wrinkled. Set aside.

In a nonstick pan heat oil or broth over medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook for a minute or two until softened.  Add zoodles to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes until slightly softened.  Add chick peas and roasted tomatoes and stir to combine.  Add bruschetta topping and basil and stir.  Cook a few more minutes until warmed.  Plate with additional basil and a drizzle of balsamic.